Delos Digital: Orlando Pearson Delos Digital: Orlando Pearson - tutti gli ebook it-it 2015 Delos Digital srl <![CDATA[The sequel to the canonical story The Three Students. "The Fourth Student" di #delosdigital]]> The Fourth Student

The Fourth Student

di Orlando Pearson

The sequel to the canonical story, The Three Students. As Holmes and Watson sit at breakfast having solved the case, the wrongdoer they have just identified interrupts them.

A fourth student, his main rival in the long-jump, is behaving in a very peculiar manner, and is carrying all before him on the sports-field.

The trail takes Holmes and Watson to a barber’s shop where they acquire a preparation which the barber markets as a performance enhancer.

But this is by no means the end of a murky trail to discover how to win Olympic gold.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Holmes is consulted by Sir Henry Baskerville’s son. "The Hounding of Peers Baskerville" by Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> The Hounding of Peers Baskerville

The Hounding of Peers Baskerville

di Orlando Pearson

It is 1909 and twenty years have passed since the great Devon adventure. Holmes is consulted by Sir Henry Baskerville’s son, Peers, after a shepherd in the baronet’s clothes is found dead at the foot of a cliff and rumours fly that the hound is back.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[A mystery solved in the ruins of Vienna in the bitter winter of 1945/6. "A Type of Infamy" di #delosdigital]]> A Type of Infamy

A Type of Infamy

di Orlando Pearson

It is March 1938 and  a print worker petitions Holmes about the disappearance of a fellow worker at the Daily Mail newspaper. 

Holmes investigates and interviews the newspaper’s proprietor, Viscount Rothermere, and Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German ambassador to London. 

Diplomatic immunity and the weakness of the British government prevent any further action being taken in 1938, and the mystery is only finally solved in the ruins of Vienna in the bitter winter of 1945/6.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 17 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Holmes has to carry out some deft political manoeuvring, as he deals with an empire-threatening crisis. "The Queen, the Prince, and the Munshi" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> The Queen, the Prince, and the Munshi

The Queen, the Prince, and the Munshi

di Orlando Pearson

Holmes and Watson are seized by Queen Victoria’s son, Prince Edward Albert, who wants them to find evidence that his mother is unfit to serve as Queen.

In the royal residence at Balmoral, Holmes and Watson witness the aged Queen Victoria engage in some highly questionable behaviour and Holmes has to carry out some deft political manoeuvring, as he deals with an empire-threatening crisis.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 26 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA["Sherlock Holmes The Führer and his Deputies" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e gli agenti del Führer

Sherlock Holmes e gli agenti del Führer

di Orlando Pearson

Nei giorni finali della Seconda guerra mondiale, Sherlock Holmes e il Dottor Watson, ormai anziani, vengono coinvolti dai servizi segreti britannici nell’interrogatorio di Rudolf Hess, il vice di Hitler atterrato in Scozia nel 1941. Hess è destinato al processo per crimini di guerra, ma le informazioni rivelate durante la prigionia sollevano dubbi sulla sua sanità mentale. A Holmes e Watson spetta il compito di decifrare i bizzarri comportamenti di Hess e maneggiare con cura le sue scandalose rivelazioni sui rapporti tra i più stretti collaboratori del Führer.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 20 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Uno sconvolgente episodio dalle macabre sfumature gotiche "Sherlock Holmes e il poeta e la sua musa" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes - Il poeta e la sua musa

Sherlock Holmes - Il poeta e la sua musa

di Orlando Pearson

Holmes racconta a Watson del suo primo caso, uno sconvolgente episodio dalle macabre sfumature gotiche: l’incontro con un eccentrico poeta lascerà su di lui un’impronta indelebile, al punto da influenzare per sempre i suoi sentimenti più intimi. Una storia tragica e grottesca, eppure del tutto vera.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 06 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Sherlock Holmes e il barone di Wimbledon di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e il barone di Wimbledon

Sherlock Holmes e il barone di Wimbledon

di Orlando Pearson

Sherlock Holmes e il dottor Watson, si godono la pensione nella tranquillità del Sussex. L’Europa, invece, è inquieta e questo tumulto bussa alla porta dei due soci sotto le vesti di Gottfreid von Cramm, celebre tennista tedesco con un passato burrascoso. Il giovane atleta chiede l’aiuto di Holmes per migliorare la propria tecnica di gioco nella speranza di poter sfuggire, grazie ai meriti sportivi, alle grinfie del Partito nazista. La vicenda, però, si concluderà con una scoperta che neanche l’ex consulente investigativo poteva prevedere.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Un mistero per il segugio di Baker Street tanto fitto quanto affascinante "The Trial of Joseph Carr " di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e il processo contro Joseph Carr

Sherlock Holmes e il processo contro Joseph Carr

di Orlando Pearson

Sherlock Holmes si trova davanti a un mistero tanto fitto quanto affascinante. Joseph Carr, un impiegato di banca di alto livello, è stato arrestato per motivi sconosciuti. L’uomo, però, non è in carcere ed è stato processato da un tribunale che non si trova. Gli unici indizi a disposizione del detective sono contenuti nel dattiloscritto che Carr aggiorna costantemente e sottopone alla lettura della sua vicina di casa. Chi c’è dietro le accuse rivolte al mite funzionario? Ma soprattutto: quali sono le accuse?


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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 23 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Sherlock Holmes e Watson convocati a Berlino. "The German Interpreter" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura dell’interprete tedesco

Sherlock Holmes e l’avventura dell’interprete tedesco

di Orlando Pearson

Gennaio 1930. Sherlock Holmes e il Dottor Watson vengono convocati a Berlino dall’ambasciatore britannico per investigare sull’aggressione ai danni di Horst Wessel, esponente di spicco del Partito Nazionalsocialista. L’incidente potrebbe andare ad aggravare una situazione già tesa tra i sostenitori di Wessel e i membri del Partito comunista tedesco. Aiutati da un eccellente interprete, Holmes e Watson dovranno muoversi tra la reticenza della polizia e una situazione politica che potrebbe cambiare per sempre il destino della Germania e di tutta Europa.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 16 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Possibile che si stiano avverando le profezie delle Sacre Scritture sulla fine dei tempi? "Sherlock Holmes e l’avvento dell’inverno più freddo" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e l’avvento dell’inverno più freddo

Sherlock Holmes e l’avvento dell’inverno più freddo

di Orlando Pearson

La notte di Natale, in una stalla di Londra, nasce un bambino, che scompare del nulla coi genitori poco dopo il parto, senza che Holmes e Watson riescano a rintracciarli. All’arrivo di gennaio, un gelo senza precedenti si abbatte su Londra e il signor Lawler, un potente uomo d’affari, chiede la consulenza di Holmes per indagare sulle cause di un clima così estremo. Il detective e il Dottore si interrogano dunque sul legame tra questi due eventi: possibile che si stiano avverando le profezie delle Sacre Scritture sulla fine dei tempi?

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 09 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Un anziano predicatore di nome Giovanni scompare nel nulla. "Sherlock Holmes e il caso del quarto messaggero" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e il caso del quarto messaggero

Sherlock Holmes e il caso del quarto messaggero

di Orlando Pearson

Un anziano predicatore di nome Giovanni si reca a Baker Street per una consulenza sulla stesura delle sue memorie, incentrate sulla vita e la morte di un miracoloso Maestro. Giovanni affida a Sherlock Holmes e Watson un taccuino su cui sono riportate tutte le avventure al fianco del suo leader. Quando poi il predicatore scompare nel nulla, Holmes e Watson si rendono conto che la chiave per risolvere il mistero è contenuta proprio tra le pagine scritte in greco del quaderno.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 02 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[The world’s greatest unsolved mystery. "The Adventure of the Fourth Messenger" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Fourth Messenger

Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Fourth Messenger

di Orlando Pearson

Soon after Holmes’s return from apparent death, Holmes and Watson return from a walk through London and find a preacher waiting for them. He wants their help in writing his account of the life of a religious leader in an Eastern Mediterranean country whose death has caused unparalleled speculation.

Shortly afterwards, the preacher is abducted.

The great Baker Street detective investigates before opining on the reliability of the testimony of the preacher. Holmes adduces some startling reasons for believing in the historical accuracy of the preacher’s testimony.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 10 May 2022 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA["The Baron of Wimbledon" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> The Baron of Wimbledon

The Baron of Wimbledon

di Orlando Pearson

The sportsman is being blackmailed on a matter of the utmost delicacy, and when the blackmailer reveals all to the National Socialist authorities, it is Holmes who comes to the rescue by asking Reichsmarschall, Herman Göring to intervene.

But is the better than expected outcome to the case a result of Holmes’s intervention or is Cramm’s glamourous mother keeping her own role to herself.   And why does Frau von Cramm seem so familiar to Holmes?

It is only once Britain is on the brink of another war against Germany that the full truth dawns on Holmes.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 26 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Winston Churchill in persona si reca da Sherlock Holmes. "Sherlock Holmes e una questione di tempo" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes e una questione di tempo

Sherlock Holmes e una questione di tempo

di Orlando Pearson

Non c’è pace per Sherlock Holmes e per il Dottor Watson, nemmeno negli anni della pensione. La vita tranquilla che conducono lontani da Londra viene infatti interrotta dallo scoppio della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. La fama dell’ormai ex consulente investigativo, però, non si è mai oscurata e Winston Churchill in persona si reca da lui in cerca d’aiuto per decifrare la strategia dei letali bombardieri tedeschi. Riuscirà l’ingegno di Holmes a cambiare le sorti del conflitto?

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 22 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[A thought-provoking mixture of detection and morality "A Question of Time " di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes - A Question of Time

Sherlock Holmes - A Question of Time

di Orlando Pearson

It is May 1940. The British army has been routed and is awaiting its evacuation from the beaches of Dunkirk.

Winston Churchill asks Holmes to stand by to provide advice on what steps to take in the face of the anticipated aerial onslaught of the Luftwaffe on British airfields.

As German attacks mount, Holmes offers unpalatable advice which Churchill accepts for want of an alternative. As German attacks switch from the airfields to production facilities, Holmes provides additional detective advice on a most unexpected matter. But it is the use to which Churchill puts the advice, which creates a rift between the two men, which remains unresolved at the end of the story.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 15 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[A must for all lovers of serious sleuthing. "The Trial of Joseph Carr " di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes and the Trial of Joseph Carr

Sherlock Holmes and the Trial of Joseph Carr

di Orlando Pearson

In Kafka’s The Trial, Josef K (here rendered Joseph Carr) is arrested one morning although he has not done anything wrong, and is put on trial although no charge is ever disclosed to him.

Here Holmes conducts his own investigation into the arrest and subsequent legal process and his solution has uncanny pre-echoes of the early 21st century banking crisis and, in an extraordinary twist, Watson’s text even name-checks some of the people that caused it.

In its new guise The Trial emerges truly as a story of Holmes’s time, our time and for all time.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 01 Feb 2022 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[The British Government commissions Holmes and Watson to travel to Germany to help the authorities find the man who shot Horst Wessel, the leader of the Storm Troopers. "The German Interpreter" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes and the German Interpreter

Sherlock Holmes and the German Interpreter

di Orlando Pearson

It is 1930. The British Government commissions Holmes and Watson to travel to Germany in the company of leading German interpreter, Paul-Otto Schmidt, to help the authorities find the man who shot Horst Wessel, the leader of the Storm Troopers.

Holmes soon identifies Wessel’s attacker and takes part in a politically charged interrogation of him attended by the Gauleiter of Berlin, Joseph Gӧbbels.

The story climaxes at Wessel’s funeral where Gӧbbels delivers an incendiary speech to a baying crowd while Holmes muses on what good men should do in a world where evil thrives.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 18 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[A Sherlock Holmes story with many contemporary resonances "Sherlock Holmes: A Seasonal Tale" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes: A Seasonal Tale

Sherlock Holmes: A Seasonal Tale

di Orlando Pearson

“Is this the ending of days?” gasps Watson in this ground-breaking story of religion and the climate change.

Holmes is petitioned by the groom of the Bedlam lunatic asylum to investigate a mysterious birth that has taken place there.

And after the notorious winter of 1894/5, an inscrutable politician, gives Holmes a commission to investigate whether the climate is changing and whether industrialisation is the cause.

Holmes’s investigation into both cases has ambiguous results and Holmes is left to philosophise on the parallels between the two.

A Sherlock Holmes story with many contemporary resonances.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 14 Dec 2021 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Holmes lets his emotionless façade slip by the Baker Street fireside... "The Poet and his Muse" by Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes - The Poet and his Muse

Sherlock Holmes - The Poet and his Muse

di Orlando Pearson

"Draw your chair up, good Watson, and hand me my violin, for the only problem we have still to solve is how to while away these bleak autumnal evenings.”

After these words bring The Noble Batchelor to a close, Holmes lets his emotionless façade slip by the Baker Street fireside, as he tells Watson of his very first case. Dating back to 1869, the case takes in the Thames, London Zoo, Highgate Cemetery, a poet, and a beautiful and tragic female figure.

A must for all lovers of the outre.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Uno dei casi più intricati di Sherlock Holmes: "Death at Tennis by Edward Howard" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> Sherlock Holmes Morte a Venezia

Sherlock Holmes Morte a Venezia

di Orlando Pearson

Uno dei casi più intricati di Sherlock Holmes: il personaggio di una celebre avventura riemerge dopo vent’anni, in cerca di una bellissima dama senza nome. Mentre Holmes segue una sua linea d’indagine, l’ignaro Watson finisce a Venezia cercando di ripercorrere le tracce ambigue lasciate dalla donna misteriosa. La verità sarà sconvolgente per tutti. Un racconto ricco di riferimenti che faranno la gioia di molti appassionati di storia, letteratura e cinema.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 05 Oct 2021 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA["A Scandal in Nova Alba - Stage-play version" di Orlando Pearson #delosdigital]]> A Scandal in Nova Alba - Stage-play version

A Scandal in Nova Alba - Stage-play version

di Orlando Pearson

Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies and histories but he never got around to writing a whodunnit, and this mixture of the Bard and Baker Street fills the gap in his oeuvre. The King of Nova Alba approaches Sherlock Holmes. The current king’s predecessor on the Nova Alban throne, King Duncan, came to a violent end and Holmes’s petitioner is the prime suspect. He wants Sherlock Holmes to find the true killer. There is many a twist in a familiar tale, before Holmes reveals the utterly unexpected truth. Two years after Delos’s publication of the story version of "A Scandal in Nova Alba", here it is as at last as a stage-play.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 17 Sep 2019 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Holmes investigates the tobacco industry in The Minister and the Moguls #delosdigital]]> The Minister and the Moguls

The Minister and the Moguls

di Orlando Pearson

A junior Cabinet Minister commissions Holmes to investigate alleged anti-competitive practices in the tobacco industry. Holmes already has a major Government commission on his hands and offers Watson’s investigative services instead.

Watson travels to the Aachen opera festival to observe the CEO of one of the companies before Holmes appears and tells Watson of an investigation of his own.

The story ends with an operatic flourish although at the end Holmes and Watson are unclear as to the cause and effects of the events that follow their investigation. The Minister, on the other hand, seems happy enough with the outcome.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 16 Jan 2018 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[A foreign king approaches Sherlock Holmes in «A Scandal in Nova Alba» #delosdigital]]> A Scandal in Nova Alba

A Scandal in Nova Alba

di Orlando Pearson

Shakespeare wrote comedies, tragedies and histories. But he never got around to writing a whodunnit and this mixture of the Bard and Baker Street fills the gap in his oeuvre.

The King of Nova Alba approaches Sherlock Holmes. The current king’s predecessor on the Nova Alban throne, King Duncan, came to a violent end and Holmes’s petitioner is the prime suspect.

He wants Sherlock Holmes to find the true killer.

There is many a twist in a familiar tale, before Holmes reveals the utterly unexpected truth.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 19 Dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA[Sherlock Holmes must invstigate about the war crimes of Rudolph Hess #delosdigital]]> The Führer and his Deputies

The Führer and his Deputies

di Orlando Pearson

May 1945. The British Government needs to decide whether to put Rudolph Heβ, Hitler’s deputy, on trial on for war crimes. Heβ flew to Britain in 1941 but no one has been able to work out why he came as he neither sought political asylum nor brought peace proposals.

Holmes is commissioned to carry out the interrogation of Heβ. This proves to be a highly dramatic affair as it reveals not only the totally unexpected reason for Heβ’s flight but also some completely unknown facts about Hitler.

Dr Watson’s papers on this case were only discovered in the summer of 2015 and this is the first time the true story can be told.

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221B, Giallo Tue, 21 Nov 2017 00:00:00 +0000
<![CDATA["Sherlock Holmes e il tesoro del Prete Rosso" di Orlando Pearson#delosdigital ]]> Sherlock Holmes e il tesoro del Prete Rosso

Sherlock Holmes e il tesoro del Prete Rosso

di Orlando Pearson

Un’insolita avventura per Sherlock Holmes, appassionato violinista chiamato a indagare su un mistero della musica classica le cui origini affondano in epoca barocca per arrivare sino agli anni tra le due guerre mondiali. Questo racconto parla di Antonio Vivaldi e Johann Sebastian Bach, compositori che hanno affascinato l’autore sin dalla più tenera età, allo stesso modo in cui è rimasto affascinato dal personaggio di Sherlock Holmes.

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Sherlockiana, Giallo Tue, 18 Jul 2017 00:00:00 +0000